Going Live

Installation procedure is automatic and needs very few easy to follow interactions

  • Install the SQL Server database server
  • Execute the Set-up program to install ContracERP
  • The System is now ready for use

Being a comprehensive application, you may need assistance to go-live.Our Engineers can be deputed onsite to guide business establishments to go live with their application. Our Engineers can customize ContracERP to suit your individual requirements. For your existing application, our Engineers can suggest how best to migrate the existing data to ContracERP

ContracERP can be installed by following a few easy to follow steps. ContracERP uses the MS-SQL Server database. Therefore, MS-SQL Server must be installed prior to installing the ContracERP application. This is easily accomplished by following the standard procedure detailed in the MS-SQL Server documentation. The ZCS engineers are available for tele-support to guide the person installing the software.

After installing the MS-SQL Server database application, ContracERP can be installed using the set-up program provided on the ContracERP distribution disk. ContracERP is a complex application and may require the assistance of an ZCS engineer to go live. ZCS will depute an engineer onsite, if necessary, to guide the business establishment in installing ContracERP and implementing the system across the whole company. User training is very important.

An onsite ZCS engineer can accomplish this over a 3 to 4 week period, depending on the complexity of the business processes followed in the company. Even though ContracERP has built-in features that address most of the requirements of a Trading House, each company has its own distinct requirements in terms of reporting, analysing, data-warehousing, data-mining, security, etc. The engineer deputed for installation and implementation can customise ContracERP to suit individual requirement.

If ContracERP is replacing an existing application or set of applications with a considerable amount of data in it, the onsite engineer can analyse this application or set of applications, suggest how best the existing data can be migrated to ContracERP and even carryout the programming to complete this task accurately and without disruption to the business and without disruption to the business.